Texturologie 4b (2011)
solo steel pan, electronics
Texturologie 4b was composed for Rick Kurasz as part of his project to encourage a repertoire of pieces in the experimental or art music tradition for solo steel pan performer.
Program Note
The sound of the double seconds and some recorded audio files is processed by a custom effects complex—filtering, delay, and pitch shifting—whose characteristics are themselves controlled by aspects of the dynamics, density, and pitch of the pan music. The computer music was made with Max/MSP, and the performer’s music involves the application of small modules of contour and accent patterns to four-note harmonic groups. The player is not improvising, but has to make some decisions on the fly in response to sounds in the electronics, all the while propelling a surface of perpetual motion.
A pdf of the score and performance instructions is available here.
Please contact me about the Max patch and audio files.