Tendrils 13a • 2014 • James Caldwell • lithograph with chine-collé

Tendrils 13a • 2014 • James Caldwell • lithograph with chine-collé

Texturologie 8b: Hyperbell (2009)
computer with Wii remote
c. 6:30

Texturologie 8b: Hyperbell is part of my ongoing interest in computer music with alternative controllers.

Performance by James Caldwell, Western Illinois University

Program Note

Texturologie 8b: Hyperbell is a piece for computer-generated music triggered and controlled by a Wii Remote and nunchuk. The right hand controls gesture, rhythm, timbre, and articulation, while the left hand controls pitch, register, and delay characteristics. The performance uses the OSCulator utility to get the data into a MacBookPro over Bluetooth and an instrument made in Max/MSP, with sounds generated by the mda DX10 software synthesizer. One of Dubuffet’s “Texturologie” paintings hangs in the Art Institute of Chicago.

Please contact me about the Max patch.