Texturologie 9: Phacelia (2010)
computer with Wii remote
c. 8:30
Texturologie 9: Phacelia is part of my ongoing interest in computer music with alternative controllers.
Program Note
Texturologie 9: Phacelia is part of a series of pieces with the title Texturologie, the name of a series of paintings by Dubuffet, that explore the creation of intricate continuous-field textures through algorithmic processes generated in the software Max. It is my third piece to explore the Wii Remote as a controller. I have become immersed in Karl Blossfeldt’s photographs of magnified botanical forms, like the phacelia, as a source of images for making drawings and prints in charcoal and pastels or with lithography. Some of his images are reminiscent of continuous-field or all-over-pattern abstract paintings.
Please contact me about the Max patch.